Sunday, 29 November 2009

Yule-tide shenanigans

Here's this year's christmas card. Turned out a little different than what I initially had imagined, but that's ok. Inspired by Max Fleischer's ol' Superman cartoons for this one, though it perhaps doesn't look it.


Bjorn Rune Lie said...

Brilliant! Love the the textures, old boy! Really nice!

Unknown said...

Ta for the kind words Bjornster. It didn't really work at all in the early stages, so must've gotten lucky at some point after midnight I guess, when I was more or less unconscious...!

Linda said...

Hej, vilken fin blogg du har (och illustrationer du gör). Hej från Linda.

Unknown said...

Takk for det Linda, og i likemåte må jeg jo si. :-)

Michele said...

I like the image and especially the idea of integrating the traditionallly superimposed words "Merry Christmas" into the actual picture as neon signs

Ole-Marius said...

Fikk kortet i dag, veldig fint og veldig hyggelig! Kommer til Oslo i februar, skal vi prøve å få til en kaffe eller noe?

Unknown said...

Thanx Michele!

Bare pling på nåru er i byn OM, samme nummer som sist!
